Module II Part II: Reference Management
>> Monday, September 21, 2009
What features in your chosen reference management software can be used to sort, classify, and otherwise organize references? Describe software functionality that allows you to better organize and share information for efficient retrieval and use.
The management software I am currently using is EndNote. I used it all throughout my Master's Program, but I am also going to try out RefWorks. I have requested a free trial version. I like the idea of RefWorks being online and accessible from anywhere if I happen to be on another computer, and would like to look at my library. In EndNote, there are several features to sort, classify and organize the references. One of the things you can do is create subgroups or folders within endnote (ie: article yet to read, RCT, Editorials, etc). EndNote has an extensive sorting feature, allowing a sort based on many, many different characteristics such as date, author, publication type, etc. I find the ability to search within EndNote itself quite limiting and I rarely use that feature. I usually go right to PubMed and then import the references into EndNote.
Hi Jen,
Did a random search and found your blog. I am finding alternatives for my Endnote as well.
I'm testing WizFolio. It's web-based and I think it can solve your reference management issues.
I hope you find something that works for you!
I was told by persons considered expert in our UAMS system that RefWorks is easier to learn than EndNotes, but that both do a lot of the same organization of citations and creation of bibliography pages in a host of formats. I spent a bunch of hours on this module!
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