Sidebar Wiki
>> Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I did it. I jumped on the WIKI bandwagon and installed the Sidewiki feature. What is it, you ask? Google Sidewiki is a browser sidebar that enables you to contribute and read helpful information alongside any web page (Google, 2009). That definition is from Google.
Here is my definition: Sidewiki is a way for people (ie: think nosy neighbor) who can NOT stop talking and feel the need to comment about EVERYTHING!!
So, I have mixed feelings about it....
First of all, let's split hairs about the name. It really isn't an authentic WIKI in the true sense of the word. Users can annotate a particular website, but it functions more like just a glorified comment bar, because users cannot contribute/alter the comments made by others.
On one hand: it is a creative way to build dialogue and introduce ways to talk ABOUT the site rather than just ON the site.
And yet: it is just another way for people to leave random, unrelated, irrelevant, off-color comments. The quality and depth of value-added contributions will remain to be seen.
On one hand: it is a creative way to highlight something about the website you love and comment about it. Or post a helpful link related to the web page material. It really enables networking and spins a huge web of connection.
And yet: it feels a little like an invasion of privacy. Why do I feel so protective? It really isn't different than opening up myself to comments on my blog. But somehow Sidekick Wiki seems even more intrusive. It feels like Google is sitting at the dinner table and has invited the world to comment about my cooking. No what it really feels like is that Google is reaching it's tentacles into every nook and cranny on the internet. What about websites that don't want Sidekick Wiki? Can they get immunity from it?
And the last problem with it is that it will take up yet more of my precious time on the internet. I mean, I've already spent 2 hours of my time researching, installing and writing about the darn thing!
If you would like to read more, Jeff Jarvis writes a good commentary on the dangers of the SideWiki.
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